Veneers are ceramic veneers that are applied to the surface of the teeth using a special adhesive. Veneers can be used to correct minor tooth misalignments, gaps between teeth, unsatisfactory tooth colors and local discoloration. The visible surfaces of the teeth are thus given an optimized appearance. Ceramic transmits light and is tooth-colored. The color and structure of the surface is individually designed by the dental technician.
A thin layer (0.3-1.0 mm) is removed from the enamel. An impression is then taken. The temporary restoration is made with plastic veneers. The dentist and dental technician determine the tooth color and structure together. The dental technician fabricates the veneer on a model made from the impression. The veneers are tried on in a second session. The teeth are then cleaned and, if possible, dried with a rubber dam. They are then etched and coated with an adhesive. The veneers are treated with a special ceramic etching gel (hydrofluoric acid) and silanized. They are fixed with a composite-based adhesive.